2002-11-19, 3:07 p.m.:
*I began this diary about two days ago and then decided I wanted to start all over again. The problem with me is that I am extremely indecisive, so I changed the layout about 4,000,000 times before I settled on the one that suited me best. Anyway, on to the telling of my innermost secrets...hahaha...bullshit.* Today I moved into my new apartment. My old apartment, which was only about a 10 minutes bus ride away, caught fire when the old lady from 318D fell asleep with a burning cigarette. I didn't know her too well since it was a pretty big building and I lived on the first floor. All of my things were rescued by the fire department except for my bed. I came home from a party that night at about 12:30, and all of my and my roommates' belongings were piled in the yard. I don't think I've ever felt so relieved in my entire life. Anyway, for the past month I have been couch-hopping from one friend's apartment to the other while all of my stuff collected dust in storage. I finally found this apartment and today I moved in. I was checking out ads on the student union bulletin board when I came across this: **Wanted, roommate to share 3 bedroom apartment on N. 8th Street. $350/month, plus electricity. Move in ASAP!** So I called my future roommates and checked the place out. As soon as I stepped inside the joint I was in love. There are these beautiful hardwood floors in every room, and huge windows with crispy white shutters. The place looks like it is worth a lot more than what we pay, but I was told that the landlord is a rich old man that doesn't really care about making a profit anymore, as long as some money is coming in. (Must be nice, huh?) Anyway, my first entry is becoming too long so I will start a new one to talk about my new roommates. *elaine*

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