2002-12-16, 5:34 p.m.:
I'm sorry it has taken me so long to update. I've been taking this time to relax from all the hectic studying and final-taking.

Anyway, Patrick and I have been going out almost every night. Saturday night he stayed over at my place because we got in about 4 in the morning.

It is a beautiful feeling to wake up after cuddling all night with someone so handsome as he is.

Oh yeah, we could hear Jen and Warren in the other room, you know, doin' stuff. And Patrick was snickering and making jokes about it, but I have to admit, something about it was really bothering me. Not only were my roommates having loud and obnoxious sex together, but they were having it right next to my bedroom. And it was Warren who asked me if I was the one who was going to have people over. It was Warren who seemlingly looked down upon the idea of people being inconsiderate to their roommates. It was Warren that loudly pleasured his girlfriend without so much as saying a word to me all week, like he's trying to piss me off. But I think what bothered me the most is that it was Warren.

Enjoying himself. With her. Without me.

No, Elaine. You have Patrick. Patrick's wonderful. Patrick's wonderful.

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