2002-11-26, 2:40 p.m.:
***Breathe, Elaine, breathe.***

So, Patrick is taking me out. Tonight.

For dinner. As a "thank-you" for helping him study for the final.

Cannot speak. In complete sentences.

Must calm down.

Okay. So he showed up about 10 minutes after my last entry. I was sitting at a big table reading Pride and Prejudice when he tapped on my shoulder and then sat down in the chair right next to me. I could smell some kind of cologne radiating off of his tanned skin. I wonder if he heard me inhaling deeply through my nose?

"Hey there," he said as he took out his French textbook from his book bag.

"Uh hi," was my intelligent and witty response.

I think I was staring at him or something because he looked up from his book and caught my eye.

"Something wrong?"

"N-no..I was just about to ask um, what did you need help with exactly?" I said, forcing myself to be semi-confident.

He flashed a perfect smile and said, simply, "You're cute."

My heart started racing and I looked down at my hands and blushed. "Um, thank you?" He laughed a little and apologized "for being weird."

And then a blonde-haired girl with a leather jacket came up. "Hey Patrick, I caught you on TV last night. You did a really good job. Are you coming to [So and So's]Thanksgiving party Thursday night?"

They continued to talk for about 2 or 3 minutes while I tried to act like I was engrossed in my textbook. But then he introduced me to her:

"Oh Stacy, this is Elaine. She's helping me with my French final."

She looked at me like I was a three-eyed frog and then put her hand on Patrick's shoulder. "Well, I'll see you later Patrick. Nice meeting you, Eleanor."

So, that was Stacy. Anyway, I helped him with our homework and test review for about 30-40 more minutes and then he said he had to go. "So, I was thinking instead of giving you the $20 I promised, we could go out to eat or something tonight instead." As nervous as I was, I stood up and said, "Um, yeah, that would be ok."

That would be ok? Am I a complete moron? He must think I am practicing to be a nun or something.

Anyway, I gave him my address and phone number and he's supposed to be picking me up tonight around 7. I, Elaine Wells, am going out with Patrick Duranny. At 7.

I have to find Jen or Amy so that they can help me get ready. Maybe I'm making this a bigger deal than it should be. But, still, I am going out to dinner with him. Alone. As the French would say, "M'aidez!"

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