2002-11-20, 2:00 p.m.:
I have two new roommates, Jen and Warren. They both attend my school. Jen is a fashion design major and Warren is majoring in music composition. (I major in English for those who are curious.) I met them both when I came to look at the apartment. Jen is blonde, leggy and thin. She apparently does some modeling for small clothing companies in the area. She has a very eccentric taste in clothes that I am envious of. I will have to get advice from her. Warren is a little more quiet and I can't tell if he likes me or not. He's been very, I don't know, formal with me. He and Jen seem to be pretty close so maybe it just takes him a while to warm up to new people. When I pulled up in my U-Haul on Move-In Day, Jen was standing outside the apartment building with a "Welcome Home, Elain" sign. It was adorable. She helped me unload the truck and showed me around the apartment a little more. One thing I didn't realize before is that Jen has a cat named Oliver. He is white with an orange striped tail. So cute. Warren wasn't home when I moved all my stuff in, but I had a run-in with him later... *elaine*

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