2003-05-13, 4:56 p.m.:
Sunday afternoon I stood with Patrick and his parents outside the athletics complex with a blazing headache from my drunkeness the night before.

Patrick's mom handed me their camera. "Elaine, can you take a picture of us with our new graduate of a son?" she asked with a teasing smile.

Patrick's parents immediately got on either side of him, and he, donning the traditional cap and gown, wrapped his arms around their wastes. "Saaaay Law School!" I yelled cheerily, even though my voice cracked a little. I stared through the lens at Patrick and his proud, smiling parents, very envious of their closeness. Their togetherness.

Monday I worked. A couple of people come in to get some tutoring during the day, but mostly it's dead. I found little jobs to do throughout the day, like updating the lab's pamphlets and stuff.

Tuesday I've done the same.

Patrick is with his parents, signing some papers for the house they bought him as a graduation present. It's a 3-bedroom, one-story house. Old, but kept up. Classic.

My friend Amy called me the other day and asked me for some advice. Since I suck at advice, I'm going to ask you all, especially my male readers (do I have any male readers?). Anyway, she said that last year, a "very hot" guy asked her out and because she was dating someone else at the time, she reluctantly told him no. But since then, she and whoever it was she was dating broke up. It's been about 7 months since the first dude asked her out, and she's gained some weight since then (you've all heard of the freshman 15...thank god it didn't get me!), but she can't stop thinking about him. She wants to know if the dude will still think she's attractive even though he asked her out when she was like, 15 lbs. lighter. She also wants to know if she should try to persue it, or just wait and hope that he asks her out again.

I thought it was an interesting question, especially the weight part. I mean, Amy says she's dieting and losing the weight now, but since he's witnessed her gaining the weight, he might think she's "just going to be a fatty" again someday anyway, and there's no point in asking her out again. But maybe he'll be attracted to her again after she's lost the weight and then become flirty with her again. Or maybe the weight doesn't matter and he's still attracted to her and wishes she'd talk to him. Or he might be bitter that she said no the first time and then felt better about his "rejection" when he noticed that she gained weight. I just want to know what guys think. I think she looks fine 15 lbs. heavier, but I'm not a guy. Is this making sense to anyone else? Haha. Sorry. Just tell me what you think.


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