2003-03-28, 12:06 p.m.:
Normally I don't write about dreams because I either forget them or they don't make any sense to anyone else but the dreamer.


I had this dream last night that was really vivid.

*** Patrick's parents came to stay at my apartment and after looking around it they declared to Patrick that I was whitetrash and no good for him. He looked at me for a minute, and then was like, "Yeah, you're right mom and dad...and also, she's really fucking whiny and naggy." So he was like, "I'm done with you, you little good-for-nothing orphan." So as I started crying and getting upset, he left the room. I cried for a minute and then decided to try and find him and plead with him to be with me. I looked all over the apartment and then finally went into my bathroom, where I found Patrick um, well, behind another girl who was bent over the bathtub. She looked up at me, all bubbly, and proudly exclaimed, "I'm #4, you must be #5! Hi!""***

That was the end of the dream, and I know it's only a dream but it really really disturbed me. It was so vivid that I've been like, crying every time I think about it. Does it mean that he just considers me a number?

UGHHHHH. Dreams are dumb sometimes.


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