2003-03-25, 12:31 p.m.:
Well, I got worse before I got better and Warren ended up taking me to the ER Friday night.

I just couldn't keep anything down, not even water. It got to the point where I was extremely weak and feverish, so Warren took me in and they put me on an IV--I was that dehydrated.

But now I have a huge medical bill. Did you know that going to the ER without any health insurance sucks?

Anyway, Patrick came back and took care of me. He even brought me flowers from his parents, and a care package from Sandy filled with cold rememdies and stuff. It was very nice.

I can say now that Patrick has definitely seen me at my worst. I looked like someone hit me with an SUV and then backed up and did it again just for the hell of it.

Not pretty.

Anyway, I was excited to see Chicago win for Best Picture. The producer? "He had it comin'!" HAHAHAHA I'm so witty...then again, you won't understand that joke unless you've seen the musical (or movie). Yeah, I'm going to walk Madeline now.


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