2003-03-05, 5:00 p.m.:
You know, I wrote a long entry about an hour ago without first saving it in Word and then pasting it here, and stupid diaryland ate it.

So. Instead of writing it all out for you guys again, here's a nice summary:

I NEED HELP! ADVICE! PLEASE! Patrick suggested we move in together! Ok, calming down now...anyway, we were lying in post-coital silence together when Patrick started complimenting me on how the apartment was coming along and then I teased him about how he's going to want to be there all the time because it's so lovely and plus we can be aalone together, and then...he said..."Well, maybe I should just move in."


awkward silence



So again, to make a long story short, I told him that it was too soon and then he acted hurt so I told him I would think about it and blah blah blah...HELP! Should we? You know, live together?!

Okay, so that was my earlier entry that got erased, right? Well I came back to fill you in on another sudden development.

************N E W S F L A S H **********

I was reading my Flannery O'Connor short story book when suddenly there was a knock at the door along with a man's voice calling out, "Delivery!"

We all know that Patrick likes to er, give me stuff. I'm not bragging, it is just a very known fact.

But he's really outdone himself.

Ladies, fellas, boys, girls,

Patrick bought me...a telescope.

Not just any telescope but this telescope:

It is 900 dollars.

Talk about putting me between a rock and a hard place. I mean, it is a NICE telescope. And I would like to own it. But does that mean I owe him something, now? Something like oh, say, an apartment?!

I need your help!


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