2003-02-21, 6:07 p.m.:
I got the keys to my new apartment today, but moving out all by myself now seems extremely over-whelming.

On a completely different note:

You will never guess what I am doing tonight. And it is soooo wrong of me, too. (But it feels kinda good!)

I, Elaine cry-on-her-pillow-'till-she-can't-take-it-anymore Wells, am going out on a date. With Chris.

Chris is great. At Christmas, he helped me and my grandpa carry home a tree. Chris was in my 3rd grade class. Chris and I go way back. And I swear to the heavens that it was fate, the way we just clicked again this afternoon. See, I was home from school, wallowing in sadness, watching "Trading Spaces" on the telly, when the phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked, hoping its not YOU-KNOW-WHO. (caller ID is broken, dammit)

"Hey Elaine, it's Chris, how are you?"

And I couldn't help it, the story came pouring out about Patrick and what happened and how bad I was feeling. I even started to cry a little, but only because I associate Chris with my grandpa since he is my back-home friend.

"...so I'm just going to sit here all night and feel sorry for myself and eat a lot of ice cream," I finished.

"Well, how about you and I go out tonight instead?"

I hesitated. "I don't know, Chris. It might be weird going out so soon. And I really feel like shit."

"Well, we'll keep it low key. We'll go to Lippy's (a small bar that usually "forgets" to card minors), get some beer and some burgers and then we'll come back to your place and watch a movie or something."

And I thought about it a little and realized that going out with Chris sounded like fun. A lot more fun than wallowing in self-pity all night, anyway. So, in about half an hour I'll be with Chris, hopefully drowning my sorrows and having a good time. A good time. Without him. Sounds very hard. But I will try.

Have a good weekend, everyone!


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